Group Head:
Konstantin Nefedev
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Professor, Department of Computer Systems, Far Eastern Federal University;
Vladivostok, FEFU campus, L449
Doctoral Students:
Yurii Chubov
Doctoral student in theoretical physics,
PhD in Physics
joined in september, 2018
Yurii Ivanov
Doctoral student in theoretical physics,
PhD in Physics
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Cambridge, UK
Associate Professor:
Yurii Shevchenko
Ph.D. in theoretical physics;
Associate Professor in Department of Computer Systems, Far Eastern Federal University;
Senior Researcher in Institute of Applied Mathematics, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Vladivostok, FEFU campus, L451
Interests: frustrated magnetic systems and Markov-chain-based algorithms
joined in 2012
Vitalii Kapitan
Ph.D. in theoretical physics;
Associate Professor in Department of Computer Systems, Far Eastern Federal University;
Senior Researcher in Institute of Applied Mathematics, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Vladivostok, FEFU campus, L451
Interests: skyrmions, quantum computing
joined in September 2010
Petr Andriushchenko
Ph.D. in theoretical physics;
Associate Professor in Department of Computer science, mathematical and computer modeling, Far Eastern Federal University;
Senior Researcher in Institute of Applied Mathematics, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Vladivostok, FEFU campus, L451
Interests: frustrated magnetic systems, machine learning, quantum computing.
joined in 2010
Konstantin Soldatov
Ph.D. in theoretical physics;
Assistant in Department of Computer Systems, Far Eastern Federal University
Researcher in Institute of Applied Mathematics, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Vladivostok, FEFU campus, L451
joined in 2015
Aleksandr Makarov
Senior Lecturer in Department of Computer Systems, Far Eastern Federal University
Researcher in Institute of Applied Mathematics, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Vladivostok, FEFU campus, L451
Interests: Monte Carlo methods, simulation of magnetic nanosystems
joined in 2012
Ph.D. students:
Anton Kuzin
3rd year postgraduate student in theoretical physics
Leading Specialist of the Department of Educational and Methodological Support of Educational Programs
Vladivostok, FEFU campus, L683
joined in 2017
Master Students:
1st year of "Information systems and technologies"

Vasiliev Egor
Monte Carlo modeling of skyrmions

Kaptain Dmitrii
Parallel annealing algorithm for statistical investigation of magnetic systems

Rybin Alexey
Edwards-Anderson Model

Volotovskii Roman
Genetic algorithm for magnetic systems

Titovets Iuliia
Investigation of algorithms for computing the thermodynamics of vector models

Zinchenko Ivan
Direct numerical calculation of turbulent velocities and vortices from the first principles. Statistical-mechanical description of fluid flow rates.
Bachelor students:

Strongin Vladislav
GPU acceleration of the Metropolis hybrid algorithm

Bryzgalov Ostap
Particle combustion process simulation

Samoylov Viktor
XMCD microscopy image processing

Korol Alena
Machine-learning studies on spin models
Archived records
Petr Stepanov
2nd year postgraduate student in theoretical physics
joined in 2018
expelled in 2019